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Thesauri: ON PAPER

Summer 2014
Summer 2014
, Number
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Buzz Spector is an artist and writer living in St. Louis, Missouri. He has had solo exhibitions at the Art Institute of Chicago, Huntington Museum of Art in West Virginia, Mattress Factory in Pittsburgh, and at many galleries and alternative spaces. New experimental writing by Spector appears in EIGHTS, a journal published in Portland, Oregon. I. PULP Any soft mass, batter from the bowl, Curds on the way or clotted cream, Gelatin, jam, the lurid mush in pages or the Pap, paste, and pith we seek to shape. Dip a Screen into the midst, a squish, visceral.

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II. COUCH An analyst's bed of confessions? Bedstead's more like it, or berth, a Chaise for fibers to lie low; each sheet a Ship lifted from its tide, a Wrack made ready for writing. III. SHEET Bedding, or blanket, as befits a cover letter, itself Covered by an envelope, a Layer of linen, membraneous, less a Shroud than a veil. IV. PAPER Account for it, that article, belles-lettres bit, or Block, card, chasing a cover, -up or -over, disposable Enwrapping as, say, yesterday's news; no Freebie here, no gratis, everyone's leaflet a Liner, a litter, logging in by the minutes, piecemeal Positioning for reams of regret; the sad story tiger, a Token tract; treatise on the wall.