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Winter 2006 Issue: Fiber

May 14, 2021
January 1, 2006

Asian Paper in Works of Art:
A Comprehensive Fiber Analysis

Reference Literature related to “Asian Paper in Works of Art: a Comparative Fiber Analysis,” an article by Agnieszka Helman-Wazny which appeared in the Winter 2006 issue of Hand Papermaking magazine

1. D. Catling, J. Grayson, Identification of Vegetable Fibres, London 1982, s. 1-11.

2. T. Collings, D. Milner, The identification of oriental papermaking fibers, [In:] The paper conservator 3, 1978, p. 51-79.

3. J.Dąbrowski, J. Siniarska-Czaplicka, Rękodzieło papiernicze, Warszawa 1991: Sigma Not.,  p. 30-48.

4.  Helman-Wazny, A., Choi, T.-H., Cho, N.-S., Park, W.-K.,: Identification and characteristics of traditional papers as the first step of conservation treatment in Korea, In: Park, W.-K., (red.): Identification and characteristics of archaeological woods and traditional papers., Cheongju 2000.

5. Helman-Wazny, A., Wazny, T., Cho, N.-S., Choi, T.-H.: Scientific Evaluation of 16-19th Century Historic Paper Artefacts from Chungbuk National University Museum In: J. Conservation Science 13 (1): 1-14 (2004).

6. D. Hunter, Papermaking. The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft, New York 1943, p. 77-203.

7. D. Hunter, Old Papermaking in China and Japan, Ohio 1932.

8. Y. Imaeda, Papermaking in Bhutan, [in:] Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung, XLIII (2-3), 1989, p. 409-414.

9. E. Koretsky, Papermaking Today in Tibet and China, [in:] Hand Papermaking, 1,Washington 1986,  p. 2-6.

10.  R. O. Meisezahl, Bemerkungen zu Tibetischen Handschriften des 17.-19. Jahrhunderts, Ergänzt Durch die Mikroskopische Untersuchung im Institut für Cellulosechemie der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt, [In:] Papier Geschichte 8 (2), 1958, p. 17-28.

11. A.-G. Rischel, Analysis of Papermaker’s Choice of Fibrous Materials and Technology Along the Paper Road. [In:] R. Graziaplena (ed.) Paper as a Medium of Cultural Heritage. Archaeology and Conservation. 26th Congress – International Association of Paper Historians, Rome 2004, p.

12. A.-G. Rischel, Traditional Paper Making in the Far East, [in:] Annual Newsletter of the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies 19, Copenhagen 1985,  p. 7-18

13. Schreyer, East-West: Hand Papermaking Traditions and Innovations, Delaware 1988, p. 13.

14. M. Sisko, I. Pfäffli, Fiber Atlas, Identification of Papermaking Fibers, Berlin Heidelberg 1995: Springer-Verlag, p. 351.

15. J. Trier, Ancient paper of Nepal, 1972, p. 50-59.

16. W. F. Tschudin, Älteste Papierbereitungsverfahren im Fernen Osten, [in:] Textil-Rundschau 13, 1958, p. 679-689.

17. P. F. Tschudin, Non-Destructive Optical Investigation of Paper, [in:] R. Graziaplena (ed.) Paper as a Medium of Cultural Heritage. Archaeology and Conservation. 26th Congress – International Association of Paper Historians, Roma 2004, p. 135-141.

18. M. Upreti, Lokta,, King of Nepalese Paper, [in:] Spirit of paper (ed.) A. Westerhof, 2004: Uitgeverij Compres bv, Leiden, p. 236-243.

19. M. Воробьева-Десятовская, Рукописная книга в культуре Центральной Азии в домусульманский период [In:] Рукописная книга в культуре народов Востока, Moskwa 1988, p. 334.